Hey there, I’m zoe, come in..
I searched for peace in all the places I thought I’d find it, new countries, academic success, relationships. I kept thinking, maybe the next thing will fix me. Maybe the next version of me will finally feel enough.
But no matter how much I accomplished, how far I traveled, or how hard I tried to be what I thought I should be, that feeling of wholeness never came. Instead, I felt like I was constantly running- away from loving myself, away from my emotions, away from the parts of me that felt too heavy to carry. I was looking for things and people to fill my void.
Then, life fell apart. The kind of falling apart where you don’t even know where to go from there.
And that’s when yoga and journaling found me. Not as quick fixes. Not as ways to become “better.” But as tools that helped me stay.
Stay in my body.
Stay with my breath.
Stay with my emotions instead of running from them or numbing the pain.
I realized that healing isn’t about becoming a different person. It’s about learning to sit with yourself and creating a deep friendship with yourself, the kind of true friendship you so easily offer to others. You deserve that kind of love too.
That’s the heart of what I offer.
Through themed, self-reflective yoga and journaling sessions, I create a space where you don’t have to fix yourself, you just have to meet yourself.
I’m not offering something that will magically make you happy. That’s not how this works.
But I am offering you a space, a practice, a few tools you can keep in your toolbox. Tools that might help you feel more empowered, more connected to yourself and others. A space where you might start building your own compass to navigate this beautiful, messy little life of ours.
Because I’m also still just figuring things out, just like everyone else.
But together is better than alone.
If this resonates, I’d love to share this space with you.
📩 Book your membership here or send me a WhatsApp message:
+44 7704 423232